I have a great love for the people of India. My daughter and I went there six years ago with a group that assisted in removing women from sex trafficking. I immediately fell in love with the people there. They were so kind and so thankful for the most simple things. While visiting there in 2018, I met a dear friend and her family. We have been friends ever since, and now she is my sister in Christ. 

My friend is a teacher to many women and children in India. She teaches by giving hand to hand instructions on sewing so they can make many necessities. While often playing games and eating together, she is encouraging them while teaching them these daily skills. They make clothes to wear, feminine products, and jewelry. It doesn’t matter what religion you are or what beliefs you have, she treats everyone the same and gives them the same opportunity.

I have became partners with her and together we are helping to provide basic needs to to the community. At Christmas, many children receive a pair of shoes, some candy and a toy in which many would not have received anything. I love to giving to others, and seeing the joy on their faces makes it all worth while.