The Power of Life and Death

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The Power of Life and Death

          are in the Power of the Tongue!

I hear so many people speaking negative things about their self, friends and family! This is a terrible thing to do. (Proverbs 18;21) “Death and life are in the power of the tongue:” You need to speak good things about yourself, children, friends, or whoever! We speak these things through faith. It does not matter how you feel, think or how things look, keep speaking faith! It is faith that gets us through and makes things possible!

It does not matter where we came from, what matters is where or how we end up! Don’t  let your parent’s mistakes dictate who you will end up being! Just because your parents were alcoholics or on drugs doesn’t mean you have to be! You are your own person and you have to take charge and say with the good Lord’s help I will make something of myself! Maybe your parents were were depressed and life was always a struggle for them, it doesn’t have to be for you! You have power through Jesus Christ to be or do what every you choose. But it takes work, you have to decide like Joshua did in the Bible, (Joshua 24;15) “but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord! Our Lord was always positive, never complaining, no matter what situation he was in! He was unwavering! 

The next time you decide to loose your cool and start screaming, throwing things, or running around the house, stop, breath and pray!  When you stop, breath and pray it keeps you from starting a fire!What would Jesus do! It would be none of the things we mentioned. Instead pray about what ever the problem is and let the Lord take care of the situation. In his time he will take care of it. When we try to fix situations or people we make a mess! It’s like when the house is on fire you have to stop, drop, and roll. This will keep you from breathing in the smoke which will keep you alive! So lets remember to stop breath and pray!


Ann Wilson

Scripture from the King James Version of the Bible

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